Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will be performing at Spring Fling 2013.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise, as we were in the middle of working on a pretty epic announcement music video, complete with a cameo from Mack and Ryan themselves. So much for that … The guys are upset to hear we’re going to have to scrap the project.
Enjoy the weekend.
YCC, Spring Fling Committee
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that, for the first time in 35 years, Yale has had an official snow day.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise before the YCC could make an official announcement. We were in the process of collaborating on a video press release with Mayor John DeStefano Jr., which would have featured a cameo by J-Stef himself. So much for that … Needless to say, John was pretty disappointed that the YDN ruined his special day.
Enjoy the snow.
YCC, Meteorological Committee
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that Durfee’s will be closed this Tuesday, Feb. 19, due to prohibitive weather conditions.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise, as we and the Durfee’s staff were right in the middle of creating a smooth R&B mixtape, which we were really excited to show to you guys. So much for that … Guess we’ll never get to hear it.
Enjoy G-Heav.
YCC, Committee on Undergraduate Snacks
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that Cory Booker, mayor of Newark, N.J. (birthplace of actor Ray Liotta!) will be this year’s Class Day speaker.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise, as we had just finished scrapbooking C-Book’s second term as mayor, which includes several headline newspaper clippings from The Newark Star-Ledger. So much for that … The mayor was visibly disheartened when he heard that his first chance to speak to a crowd of over 1,000 people had been marred by the YDN.
Enjoy rewatching Amy Poehler’s Harvard Class Day speech from 2011.
YCC, Disappointment Mitigation Committee
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that Pope Benedict XVI has announced his retirement.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise, as Benny-16 was in the process of choreographing a farewell performance art piece to be enacted in the center of Old Campus, in the nude. So much for that … Needless to say, His Holiness was pretty miffed to hear that the force of his artistic and religious message was diffused by the machinations of YDN.
Enjoy excommunication.
YCC, Vatican Liaison
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that I am asking Mike Bernardi out on a date to Basil on Friday, Feb. 15.
We wish my friend Ashley hadn’t ruined the surprise by telling everyone in our entryway, including my FroCo, that I liked him, as I was in the middle of gathering up the courage to finally talk to him after our “Civil War” section on Thursday. So much for that … Needless to say, this whole experience has taught me to be more careful when choosing my friends.
Enjoy your big mouth, Ashley.
YCC, Committee on Social Justice
Waddup Yale,
We’re psyched to tell you that there is a hilarious View written by Caleb Madison and Cody Kahoe in today’s edition of WEEKEND.
We wish the YDN hadn’t ruined the surprise by publishing it, as we were in the process of constructing a great email announcing that the YDN was going to publish it. So much for that … Needless to say, Caleb and Cody are pretty upset that their article was ruined by you reading it right now.
Enjoy the weekend.
YCC, YDN Surveillance Committee