As Yale responds to the results of Election 2012, read reactions in the News’ Forum:

“Tonight’s election results were filled with triumphs for rational progress over fear and exclusion, but I hope that tonight means something more constructive than ‘victory’: We exercise our most basic civic right every four years in the voting booth, and that’s beautiful and wonderful, but the only way we’re going to really strengthen this country and make any lasting progress is by earnestly engaging in the American project — and with all Americans.” — Marissa Dearing ’14

“While speculating on foreign policy like this can certainly be problematic, I think it’s worth noting that the American people last night conceivably prevented a multi-trillion dollar war with Iran that could set back much of the progress we’ve made these last four years in the Middle East. A war with Iran as Governor Romney and much of the GOP had been casually advocating during the primaries would have legitimized the Iranian regime and undermined our finally strengthening sanctions.” — Sharif Vakili ’13

“Today America officially announced that we are content with continuing mediocrity. We voted to remain a nation whose primary inspiration is an amateurish executive bureaucracy, a nation for which individual initiative counts for less than top-down rule-making. Freedom-loving Americans can take heart, though, that the battle for our country’s soul is just getting started.” — John Masko ’14

“In 2008, I was so happy the second CNN called the race for Obama. This year, it took Fox News going his way for me to finally believe the news. I feel older now, and more careful with my enthusiasm — there’s just so much hard work left to do. I hope we’ll all still feel how important it is one week, one month, or one year from today.” — Sally Helm ’14

“I’m really psyched that Obama won and that the Senate is going to remain Democratic. We must however remember that the House is still going to be controlled by the GOP, so I’m interested to see how the gridlock that affected Obama’s first term will play out in these next four years.” — Anirudh Sivaram ’15

“The conduct of this battle reminded me that Americans care deeply, which strengthened my pride. But we still face the same problems. Our decisions should and will be evaluated less by today’s excitement than by tomorrow’s outcomes.” — David Lawrence ’15

“In a lot of the swing states that Romney lost, the votes that libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received could have swung the state in Romney’s favor. As a libertarian who cares greatly about social issues, I’m thrilled to see that President Obama was reelected, but I’m also hopeful that this loss will make the Republican party wake up and realize that they need to listen to the centrists and the libertarians.” — Courtney Hodrick ’16

“I am thrilled by the results of the election. Barack Obama’s victory means four more years of progressive and smart policies that build the middle class and strengthen our prospects for a bright future. Still, the country is ideologically fractured, and I don’t think that one election changes that.” — Jeremy Hutton ’15

“I could not be more proud to call Barack Obama my president for the next four years. As this is the first election I have voted in, I am particularly excited by the outcome. Without the pressure of reelection, I believe that Obama will be able to work productively with the new congress to affect an even greater change in his next term.” — Leah Motzkin ’16

“This is momentous. A huge victory for women, and humongous victory for America.” — Julie Aust ’14

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