Rock the vote! After millions of dollars, thousands of advertisements and months of campaigning, the day of reckoning is here. Thousands of people across the country will turn out in droves today to cast their votes for the next President of the United States. If you’re registered to vote in Connecticut, make sure to stop by the New Haven Free Public Library, Troup School or Wexler Grant School today to cast your ballot.
Let them eat bread. Atticus Bookstore will be giving away free loaves of bread to voters sporting an “I Voted” sticker today. Bread options include Ancient Grains Demi Ciabatta, Wheat & Olive Oil Demi Ciabatta or Whole Grain Demi Baguette. Yalies, take this chance to grab a taste of democracy.
Power by numbers. Voter registration in New Haven topped 70,000 for the first time in 15 years, according to the New Haven Register. As of Nov. 1, there were 71,371 registered voters in the Elm City. More than 200,000 new voters had registered in Connecticut since Jan 2012.
Shakin’ out votes. Shake Shack gave out coupons for a free cup or cone of custard to all customers who filled out a “Pledge to Vote” card Monday night. The coupon expires at the end of December this year. It remains to be seen whether the cold weather will stop Yalies from venturing out and redeeming their “Skull and Cones.”
Going to The Game? The Yale College Council and Yale’s Associated Student Agencies are offering $22 one-way tickets to Boston for the Yale-Harvard game on Nov. 17. Students interested can purchase tickets online.
Double trouble. Children across New Haven are gearing up to celebrate Halloween tomorrow night, one week after the mayors of New Haven, West Haven and East Haven encouraged parents to keep their children indoors on Oct. 31 due to ongoing hurricane repair efforts. Elm City residents they should be aware of little monsters, Prince Charmings and superheroes running down the streets.
Calling for action. A whiteboard placed on Cross Campus Monday afternoon asked students whether they were satisfied with the Yale Corporation’s efforts to solicit student input in the search for Yale’s next president, and encouraged passersby to write down the qualities they’d like to see in the University’s next leader.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1947 A robbery at Delta Kappa Epsilon’s fraternity house leaves DKE three whiskey bottles and $80 short.
Correction: Nov. 6, 2012
A previous version of this article mistakenly said the Shake Shack coupon event happened on Tuesday, when it took place on Monday. In addition, the makeup Halloween in New Haven will take place Wednesday night.