After New Haven officials left out one question for absentee ballots to be used in the upcoming election, Elm City officials have started efforts to reprint and re-mail the ballots, according to the New Haven Register.
The missing question concerned a recent referendum — proposed by the Peace Commission and approved June 4 by the Board of Aldermen — that asked Congress to “reduce military spending; transfer funds to convert to civilian production; create jobs to rebuild our infrastructure [and] meet pressing human needs.” The cost of the reprinting efforts is still unknown.
The modified ballots were sent out Oct. 19, two weeks after the initial ballots had been mailed. Reprinting began when a Peace Commission representative called the city offices to check on the referendum, a move that prompted administrators to notice it had not been included in the ballots, said Sally Brown, the city’s assistant clerk.
When asked whether the initial omission would affect the outcome, New Haven Alderman Doug Hausladen told the Register that he believed the “most progressive legislation has started at the ground level and swelled.”
The first batch of revised ballots has already been mailed.