She belongs with us. One hardcore Taylor Swift fan has launched an online petition urging the country sensation to headline Spring Fling, which the petition claimed would reach its full potential only if Swift performed as the headlining act. As of Thursday night, the effort already garnered 100 supporters, all of whom signed a pledge dubbing Swift the “lyrical songbird of our generation.” No word from Swift yet, but will the sparks fly?
Tear down this wall! Saybrook College held a dedication ceremony Thursday night in celebration of a new wall installed in its dining hall that separates the serving area from the dining area — effectively cutting off sugar-craving students’ access to soda as they complete their late-night studies in the Saybrook dining hall. It remains unclear how Saybrugians feel about the new barrier, but for now, it seems the Great Wall of Saybrook is here to stay.
Write out loud. A group of Yalies held an “interactive protest” on Cross Campus Thursday afternoon, urging passersby to contribute to the effort by writing messages on a collective dry-erase board. The messages — which included “love is powerful” and the word “protest” — would then be chanted in unison by the demonstrators, who displayed drums, white boards and colorful clothing. But, when one student wrote “silent protest” on the board, the chanting abruptly stopped.
Closing the gap. Senate candidate Chris Murphy (D) has pulled ahead of Linda McMahon (R), according to the latest poll conducted by the University of Connecticut and the Hartford Courant. Of the more than 500 likely voters polled, 44 percent said they would support Murphy while 38 percent said they would vote for McMahon.
Ballot bust. After a referendum was accidentally left off New Haven absentee ballots to be used in the upcoming election, Elm City officials have started working to reprint and remail the ballots. The cost of the effort is still unknown, but officials say monetary factors are secondary. “Democracy costs money,” said Alderman Doug Hausladen to the New Haven Register.
Snail mail. The U.S. Postal Service will shave off two hours from its daily weekday operations at the New Haven post office station, moving from eight hours of operation on Mondays to Fridays to just six. The normal weekend hours will remain unchanged.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1942 The University’s “apple pickers” meet to help “save the local apple crop.” All available men are asked by the Connecticut Farm Replacement Bureau to contribute to the effort.