Missed former Sen. Rick Santorum at the YPU debate last night? No worries. Here’s a few key quotes from the former presidential candidate:
“When I said to a friend that I was coming to Yale to give a speech, he said that was like breaking through to the gates of hell… and it is hot in here.”
“I think we have to understand that when you say the word “family” in America, most people think of the nuclear family – the nuclear family being a husband, wife, and children.”
“Marriage is certainly a civil institution, but it is also a religious institution, and one of the keys to holding marriages together is the fact that you take that vow before God in a church.”
“If there were no government benefits, it would be very, very tough in America today to raise a child out of wedlock.”
“As we know, the most dangerous place for a young child in America is living at home with a cohabitating male.”
“Economy comes from the Greek word oikos, which is Greek for family. Family is the basis of the economy; home is the basis of economy.”
“There used to be a word in our culture that you never hear anymore: shame. Shame is much more powerful than any law.”
“The bottom line is that not all children being raised by single moms end up in poverty. A bunch of them are here. But a friend of mine gave this example: if you had a choice to be on two airplane flights and one of them took you [to your destination] 99 percent of the time and one of them got there 85 percent of the time (and they’re both very high rates), which one would you take? That’s the case of two-parent families and single-parent families.”