Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum will speak in Woolsey Hall this Tuesday at the first Yale Political Union debate of the year.

A former senator from Pennsylvania, Santorum is well-known for his socially conservative views on issues such as abortion and homosexuality. His visit to Yale is part of the Wendy P. McCaw Lecture Series, an initiative announced by Young America’s Foundation this year to bring conservatives to college campuses.

It is strange that Santorum has chosen to speak at an Ivy League school, though he did speak to the YPU in 2008, according to the group’s website. When he was seeking the Republican nomination, Santorum criticized higher education’s ties to liberalism, according to the Huffington Post. He mocked Harvard’s motto, “Veritas,” in particular, claiming truth has not been found at the school in a century.

“Let’s look at colleges and universities,” Santorum said at an address in Mason City, Iowa. “They’ve become indoctrination centers for the left. Should we be subsidizing that?”

So will Santorum find Lux et Veritas, or will his visit be dark, dank and full of liberal distortions? Will hellfire engulf Woolsey Hall on Tuesday? Unclear, but Camille Paglia is slated to visit the YPU a week later, so we can all breathe easy knowing the impending catastrophe will likely be reversed.