Richard Epstein will leave the New Haven Board of Police Commissioners, the New Haven Register reported.
Epstein, the Board’s current chair, said Thursday he will resign from the volunteer post as he moves to Milford. First appointed to the Board by Mayor John DeStefano Jr. during DeStefano’s first term in 1994, Epstein has advised six New Haven Police Department chiefs and supervised police hiring and firing decisions during a period of substantial departmental reorganization.
“[Epstein’s] a great example of citizen and community involvement,” DeStefano told the Register. “He’s been a steady hand as chair through several chiefs and through all kinds of issued at the police department. From Nick [Pastore] to the current one, he’s accommodated all the different chiefs’ styles.”
This is not the first change in the composition of the Board this year. In February, Bishop Theodore Brooks stepped down from the five-person Board and was replaced by former Hill alderman and unsuccessful mayoral challenger Anthony Dawson.