In case you haven’t had a chance to see The Hunger Games in theaters yet, an abridged version geared specifically for Yalies surfaced on YouTube on Thursday.
Titled “The Haven Games,” the video — written and produced by Yale School of Medicine students — aims to welcome recent admits to the Medical School’s class of 2016. It follows the basic steps of The Hunger Games trailer but offers a cool, unique, Yale-inspired spin. Rather than fight to the death, as the characters in The Hunger Games are expected to do, the players in The Haven Games must measure heart rates and operate lab equipment to gain one of 100 coveted spots in a medical school class.
In one scene, a student at “other med school” discusses his worries with Katniss Everdeen, a Medical School student.
“I just keep wishing that at medical school, we didn’t have to kill each other,” he says in frustration. “If I’m going to die, I want to still be me.”
But Katniss has an answer ready.
“Oh, at Yale, we really don’t have to think about that,” she says with a wink.