Residential Colleges
Continental Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Dinner: 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Please take note that, despite its name, Berkeley Mac and Cheese is not limited to Berkeley College. In fact, it will be the only dish served for all three meals at every dining hall during your stay.
Campus Tours
Energetic tour guides will provide a walking tour of Yale College, showering you with a wealth of totally unrehearsed and hilariously wacky anecdotes about campus lore and the unending joys of the residential college system!
Chaplain’s Office Open House
Come tour the headquarters of spiritual and religious life on campus. Enjoy a grilled cheese study break or stimulating conversation about theology. All are welcome! (Note: Methodists not welcome.)
Native American Dinner
Join members of the Native American Community at Yale for dinner at 6 p.m. at the Yale College Dean’s house.
Laughs with Yale’s Premiere Sketch Comedy Group, Red Hot Poker
Enjoy an hour-long giggle-fest with the funniest group on campus!
New Haven by Bus Tour
Downtown New Haven has been home to Yale University for over three centuries. As a center for business, a mecca for the arts, a foodie’s jackpot and a boutique shopper’s destination, New Haven is a city of innovation, culture and prosperity. Join us for a bus tour of downtown New Haven led by current Yale students. [See note at bottom]
Native American Dinner*
Note: The Native American Dinner has been relocated to a room reservation in the Branford Common Room.
Master Class with Harold Bloom: “Loitering and Leering in 20th-Century European Literature”
You won’t even know what hit you after this very interactive and engaging seminar with one of Yale’s most tenured professors! The class will be capped at two female students.
Laughs with Yale’s Premier Sketch Comedy Group, The Fifth Humour
Enjoy an hour-long chuckle-fest with the funniest group on campus!
The Polish Men’s Percussion Ensemble Open Rehearsal
Meet the Polish Men’s Percussion Ensemble, Yale’s most igneous musical group, as they perform such classic Polish rock songs as “My Mother’s Pebble” and “There’s a Rock in my Kielbasa.” Prefrosh should come prepared with their own rocks, preferably granite.
Native American Dinner
Note: The Native American Dinner has been relocated to East Rock.
Old Campus Barbeque with DKE
Stop by Old Campus from 1 to 3 to join DKE’s welcome barbeque. You can’t say no to our hot dogs!
Master Class with the Flower Lady: “Making the Privileged Uncomfortable”
Topics covered include insistent harassment, pity bartering and flattery.
Laughs with Yale’s Première Sketch Comedy Group, Grin and Tonic
Enjoy an hour-long snicker-fest with the funniest group on campus!
[Note: This description was taken verbatim from the 2012 Bulldog Days Schedule of Events. The authors of this view felt that no further joke was necessary.]