Remember when your dad taught you Morse code? Yeah, neither do we. But Yale’s TEDx program has used the dots and dashes to promote their event on February 4.
In a video sent to Yale students today, five red body-suited individuals move and bounce their bodies to a pulsing soundtrack, with interspersed images of soldiers sending morse code messages. The morse code on the red bodies spells out “TEDx Yale.”
The Yale video, produced by Emmy Pickett ’12, was even tweeted by Chris Anderson, who has received international acclaim as the curator of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). He calls the video’s creativity “pretty special.”
According to reports, red body-suited individuals were spotted in multiple classes today, including Anthony Smith’s “Introductory Macroeconomics” and Jo Handelsman’s “Genes and Environment.”
The x in Yale’s TEDx program signifies that it’s one of many independently sponsored TED programs across the world. Yale’s TEDx program had its introductory event last semester with Juan Enriquez, the founding director of Harvard Business School’s Life Sciences Project.