A lot has happened in 2011, more than our weary brains remember. Inspired by the annual list from Yale law librarian Fred Shapiro, we at Cross Campus thought it appropriate to turn our gaze back to look at some of the most significant and telling quotes of the year from Yale and New Haven. We begin in January:
1) “As I trudge through the snowy wastes of the Lawn Club parking lot, down Hillhouse, past the Beinecke and finally between JE and Branford [colleges], I’ll think about Balto the sled dog on his glorious run to Nome.” -Toni Dorfman, theater studies professor, “No stopping for snow,” Jan. 12.
2) “I think back to when I was at Yale in 1961, which was the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Machu Picchu, and remember feeling somewhat embarrassed that the artifacts were still at Yale. We had all known in the family that they were supposed to be returned to Peru.” -John H.L. Bingham ’61, Hiram Bingham III’s 1898 grandson, “Digging into Peru deliberations,” Feb. 15.
3) “After all the incidents of blatant sexual harassment and threatening behavior on Yale’s campus, why must it take an investigation by [the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights] to convince Yale that there is a serious problem on campus?” -16 Yale students and alumni filing a Title IX complaint, “DOE’s Office for Civil Rights to investigate Yale for ‘hostile sexual environment,'” March 31.
4) “People at Yale need to understand that Mandi is a giant among people. She’s just this enormous spirit, and we’re all so lucky to have been touched by her.” -Harry Rosenholtz, former Yale women’s hockey coach who recruited Mandi Schwartz ’11, “A giant among people,” April 4.
5) “Yale has lost a shining star. The universe has lost a rising one.” -Yale College Dean Mary Miller, “Campus mourns ‘rising star’ Dufault ’11,” April 13.
6) “These streets belong to the people of New Haven. I don’t want the institution I care so much about to use its power and influence to get special treatment from the city. The city should not give its streets away for free.” -Ben Crosby ’13, “Town and gown dispute closed streets,” May 4.
7) “I don’t understand why that needs to be said, but I will say it again, and I will continue saying it — at parties, in class and into my pillow — until people who claim that rape is a figment of our hysterical imaginations wake the hell up. Rape happens. Victims are silenced. And the complex web of factors that not only allow but encourage those two things to occur in tandem is rape culture.” -Kate Orazem ’12, “Rape is real at Yale,” Sept. 22
8) “I’m so glad people like the vibe here. Sure people love loud music and dancing, but they also like socializing and drinking their face off in a fun environment… Not that I condone binge drinking.” -Bethany Thompson, Box 63 marketing manager, “Boxing out Toad’s,” Sept. 30.
9) “25 percent is too much talent spent!” -Occupy protesters, “Elis Occupy Morgan Stanley info session,” Nov. 15.
10) “Some people were crying, some people were in such shock they didn’t move anywhere, but most people went to the other side to get into the tailgate,” -Angela Ramirez ’12, “Investigation continues into fatal crash,” Nov. 20.