The next time you want to study beautifully, you might want to skip Sterling’s towering stacks and the lowly study carrels of Bass and head to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
A set of rankings out this week from Flavorwire ranks the Beinecke the most beautiful college library in America and the second most beautiful in the world, after only the General Library at the University of Coimbra in Coimbra, Portugal.
Three other Ivy League libraries made the list: the Cornell Law School Library, the Widener Library at Harvard and the Fisher Fine Arts Library at the University of Pennsylvania, placing 18th, 22nd, and 23rd, respectively.
See the full list below, with American universities in bold:
1) The University of Coimbra General Library. Coimbra, Portugal.
2) Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Yale University. New Haven, Conn.
3) University of Salamanca Library. Salamanca, Spain.
4) The Trinity College Library. Dublin, Ireland.
5) Old Library, St. John’s College. Cambridge University. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
6) Philological Library of the Free University. Berlin, Germany.
7) Central Library. University of Technology. Delft, Netherlands.
8) The Harper Library Reading Room. University of Chicago. Chicago.
9) Frederick Ferris Thompson Memorial Library. Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
10) George Peabody Library. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore.
11) Queen’s College Library. Oxford University. Oxford, United Kingdom.
12) Wren Library. Trinity College, Cambridge University. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
13) Duke Humfrey’s Library. Bodleian Library, Oxford University. Oxford, United Kingdom.
14) Suzzallo Library’s Graduate Reading Room. The University of Washington. Seattle.
15) The North Reading Room in Doe Library. University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley, Calif.
16) La Sorbonne Reading Room. Paris.
17) Codrington Library. All Soul’s College, Oxford University. Oxford, United Kingdom.
18) Cornell Law School Library. Ithaca, N.Y.
19) University of Michigan Law Library. Ann Arbor, Mich.
20) Pontifical Lateran University library. Rome.
21) Powell Library. University of California at Los Angeles.
22) Widener Library. Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass.
23) Fisher Fine Arts Library. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia.
24) Pitts Theology Library. Emory University. Atlanta.
25) Bapst Library. Boston College. Boston.