Apparently not all Princeton students want to be part of the 1 percent.
Eighteen members of Occupy Princeton, the university’s branch of the worldwide Occupy movement, staged a protest at a JP Morgan/Chase informational session Wednesday. A YouTube video shows the students interrupting the meeting by reading a statement through a ‘mic check,’ where listeners repeat what a speaker says.
According to Occupy Princeton’s website, a majority of the students had left the info session for summer analyst positions. Occupy Princeton members said on their website that the mic check was held at the end of the session so as not to disrupt it too much and to give the recruiters and earnest participants a “voice” as well.
The Occupy movement, which began on Sept. 17, protests against issues including social and economic inequality, unemployment and corporate influence in politics.
The full text of the statement is below:
“Princeton’s motto is:
In the nation’s service and service of all nations
JP Morgan, your actions violate our motto
Your predatory lending practices helped crash our economy
We’ve bailed out your executives’ bonuses
You’ve evicted struggling homeowners while taking their tax money
You support mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia
which destroys our ecological future
In light of these actions,
we protest the campus culture
that whitewashes the crooked dealings of Wall Street
as a prestigious career path.
We are here today
as a voice for the 99%
shut out by a system that punishes them
just for being born without privilege.
What we need is not a university for the 1%,
but a university “In the Nation’s Service,
and in the Service of All Nations.”