If the walls of Sterling Memorial Library could talk…they might read famous quotes from books and wonder whose idea it was to add more colleges, according to a commercial for the Yale University Library posted to YouTube Nov. 4.
The video, titled “Steve’s Voiceovers – Yale Library Commercial” features voiceover artist Steve Rimpici, a ghoulish background voice, smoothly displayed points of view and echoing sounds of the security officer’s footsteps. It follows one library security guard as he walks through Sterling, listening to the voices rising from books in display cases and portraits on the walls.
Alexander Dominitz ’09 created the video along with six other mini-films. Dominitz made the seven videos, which were produced during the 2009-2010 academic year, with the support of the Yale University Library.
“The intention was to use the films to highlight some of the library’s needs during the [Yale Tomorrow] campaign,” said Amanda Patrick, director of library development and communications.
The library staff liked the videos, Patrick said, but they were unable “to use them as fully as we had hoped as the campaign came to a close” since the project took longer than expected to complete. The library still hopes to use the videos for outreach, she added.