Get out the vote. Today is the last day to register to vote in Tuesday’s election. The City Clerk will accept voter registration forms until noon.
CL&P’s in trouble. Despite promising that 99 percent of Connecticut residents would have their power restored by Sunday night, Connecticut Light & Power had only reached 97 percent restoration by press time, with around 63,000 customers still out of power by press time. Power will not be restored to all CL&P customers until Wednesday, the utilites company said.
Thar she blows? A group of students calling themselves “the Whaling Crew” showed up to this weekend’s men’s hockey games wearing shirts featuring a whale tail on the front and “The Whaling Crew” on the back. The students, according to a Facebook group, named the group after Ingalls Rink, known colloquially as the Yale Whale.
Gym. Tan. Activism. Vinny Guadagnino, of “Jersey Shore” fame, delivered a guest lecture in a class at Columbia University titled “Mistake, Misconduct, Disaster.” Leaving talk of getting jacked or way tan aside, Guadagnino spoke to the class about his work with Do Something, an anti-bullying organization.
Open at last! After a semester laying dormant, the Timothy Dwight buttery will reopen this week, likely Monday evening, Master Jeffrey Brenzel announced in an email to the college Sunday evening.
No one is safe. Branford freshmen began a game of “Assassins” at midnight on Sunday, making much of Vanderbilt Hall and Old Campus a war zone. The rules state that dining halls, classrooms and dorms are off limits. To “kill” a target, a player must poke them in the torso with a spoon. Over 70 Branford freshmen are signed up to play.
One of the 99 percent. Ernesto Zedillo GRD ’81, former president of Mexico and current director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, refuted criticisms that the Occupy movement is aimless, claiming the Occupiers had touched on a very important global concern. “I could argue as an economist it’s not only about Wall Street. They should have an Occupy G-20,” Zedillo told a Reuters reporter.
Progress. Berkeley College and the ladies of Pi Beta Phi both held formal events at Crown Street’s Elevate Lounge over the weekend. The NHPD stayed away.
1978 Ella T. Grasso earns 59 percent of the vote to win a second term as governor.