Yalies, stop being polite. Casting directors from the MTV staple “The Real World” will be at the Wicked Wolf Tavern on Church Street from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday to search for cast members for the show’s 27th season. According to a press release, casting directors will be looking for people who “have challenges living an everyday life that most take for granted,” like people with weight issues, who are goth or who have been affected by a natural disaster. Start getting real, guys.
Not too shabby. The National University of Singapore, Yale’s partner in Singapore, was named the third-best Asian university in rankings released this week by U.S. News and World Report. In global university rankings in the same publication, Yale came in fourth.
Hide your kids, hide your laptops. Davenport College has seen another string of thefts, this time in the college’s buttery, Davenport’s master said in an email to the college community Thursday night. That same email encouraged students to lock their windows and take extra precautions to keep belongings safe.
The Yale College Democrats, the Yale Political Union and the News will co-host a debate between Ward 1 aldermanic candidates Vinay Nayak ’14 and Sarah Eidelson ’14 this Monday. Got questions for the candidates? Submit them to editor@yaledailynews.com.
Drake gets us. The top-selling song on iTunes Thursday, Drake’s “Make Me Proud,” includes an explicit reference to Yale: “Sound so smart like you graduated college / Like you went to Yale but you probably went to Howard.” Yeah! You tell em!
Pretty in pink. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, lunches in dining halls today will feature pink food items. The special menu will include honey-glazed corned beef, salmon, pasta a la vodka, tomato and mozzarella salad, arugula salad with feta, and watermelon and strawberry cupcakes. Students will also have the opportunity to make donations to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Grrr. Atka the arctic wolf will pay a visit to the Peabody Museum of Natural History on Saturday at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Atka has been visiting the Peabody on a yearly basis since his birth, and is the oldest “ambassador wolf” from the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, N.Y.
1964 University President Kingman Brewster begins conversations with top administrators about whether to change the school’s alcohol policy after Trinity College bans all alcohol use at on-campus events.