There are very few surprises in life that I find exciting. Surprise parties? A total blast. Surprise gifts? Aww, you shouldn’t have! Surprise crushes? FINALLY confirmation I don’t resemble Hagrid’s sister.

But surprise rain? This is something I will never get a kick out of. Twice already this semester I’ve successfully sat through a seminar only to rush out, throw the door open, and find I have to walk home in the rain in suede flats. Admittedly, my California style might be extra temperamental when it comes to these little surprises. Still, a girl finds her closet severely restricted on the days that New Haven decides to do everything from mist to downpour.

Luckily, I have provided a guide that is a testament to the fact that rain is no match for fashion.

When it’s raining, I am like my umbrella’s needy spouse. It has no choice but to hold my hand all day and sit next to me in class. I’ve certainly gone through phases and types, but I ultimately have ended up very happy with Laila Rowe’s signature “bubble” umbrella. For $25, it caters to both practicality and style. With print options ranging from plaid to polka dot to flowers to zebra all hanging in the window, Laila Row is running her own Or red light district. Its bubble shape ends the flipped-inside-out saga when the wind decides to blow. It also virtually eliminates the need for a raincoat, which in turn eliminates the need to go on a wild goose chase for an attractive adapted shower curtain. If, as Giorgio Armani says, “accessories are important and becoming more and more important every day,” it seems it is in our best interest to incorporate umbrellas into our rainy day wardrobe.

With regard to the raincoat, I have made clear how I feel about it, but there are still some solid options for those who either feel partial to this form of getting yourself drenched or favor the raincoat/umbrella combo. Practical coats are seen all over campus and can be found in stores like Trailblazer. These coats serve their purpose, but other than that, they are just kind of there. I side with style expert Bobbie Thomas and her endorsement of the Michael Kors trench coat on the “Today Show.” For a reasonable $139.99 (only an extra $40 investment beyond a shapeless Northface), you get a rich red coat with snap-front detailing, funnel neck and quilted lining. Burberry is famous for its fabulous trenches as well, if you’re willing to foot a minimum of $1,000 and the realization that you could have saved the lives of 860 children instead.

Rain boots are a must, and it’s difficult to resist what one might call the Hunter Invasion. I myself am victim to the oh-so-original plain black. This weekend a male friend said to me, “Is it true literally every girl in the world owns a pair of Hunter boots?” Ugh. Don’t remind me. But in their defense, they match with everything, but I do look enviously on those savvy enough to rock the yellow Wellies. Hunter’s iconic tall boot goes for $125. Take your pick from literally any shade of the rainbow, but be warned: you will experience color fading and disappointment unless you select the glossy option. Be sure to check out the Hunter fleece socks, as well. They line those uncomfortable rubber boots with fleece, knit or fur for between $30-$40 and provide some sort of spice to the item every other girl has. In resistance to the Hunter Invasion, don’t be afraid to check out Target. For between $20-$40, you have an excuse to rock Hello Kitty up half of your leg.

So there you have it, rain gear literally from head to toe. Maybe there’s no fix for that post-seminar surprise, but we can surely stock our closets in anticipation. Oh, I forgot to mention my other needy relationship: I hourly check where he’s at. In return, he lies to me most of the time, but he’s still great to keep around.