Attention, America (and Yale) — meet the next big thing: Henry Sidle.
The News found the 13-year-old, a resident of Hamden, casually playing his heart out outside our building at 202 York Street this afternoon. It’s just one stop of many for Sidle.
“I go all around Connecticut,” Sidle said. The rather entrepreneurial young man has been performing on sidewalks for some time, after learning to play the guitar a year ago. His father drives him to a location near a coffee shop once or twice a month, and works inside with a latte while his son serenades the streets. It’s a great deal for Henry: he hones his musical skills while earning a little summer cash.
He’s also been booked to play at farmers’ markets, private parties and churches. Where exactly Sidle’s going on this unorthodox summer tour is up for the world and anxious fans to see on his blog.
What can Yalies expect to hear if they ditch the headphones/cellphones and listen? Sidle is (obviously) big on classic rock. Phish and the Grateful Dead are perennial favorites of his.