Good looks, good humor, the ability to do multivariable calculus — these are all things Yalies look for in potential boyfriends or girlfriends. But Rakesh Mohan ’71, former Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and a Jackson Institute fellow, had different priorities when he began dating his wife, he told students in his course called “Economic Performance and Challenges in India.”

Rakesh explained that before India’s economy began making major strides, the small number of phone companies in the country forced people to wait many years before receiving phones, so he decided to pursue another option.

“I found someone who had a phone,” he said, “and I married her.”

He added that his wife only married him because he owned a gas cylinder, which were also in low supply. Together, the couple could both communicate with their friends and cook in the kitchen.

The course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM in Luce Hall, room 101.