Students interested in taking the Great Big Ideas seminar were disappointed when 300 people showed up for the 18 person seminar. The class, originally intended to be held in the Timothy Dwight D23 classroom, was hastily moved to the TD dining hall. As the tables, balcony, and common room filled with people, Provost Peter Salovey was seen laughing incredulously with co-teacher Adam Glick ’82.
Great Big Ideas is an experimental seminar from the Floating University designed by Glick to be “radical” and interdisciplinary in nature. Students will watch hour-long, previously filmed lectures from big name professors, then discuss the “great big ideas” brought forth by the lecturers during the seminar.
Salovey and Glick indicated that preferential selection will occur, with sophomores and freshmen in either Morse or TD being the most likely to gain entrance to the class. Seniors and juniors left the class in a group of around 100 people once this was announced.
The application forms were handed out in class and asked for basic information, why students were interested in taking the course, and of seven things (i.e., things normally grouped in sevens dwarves, days, seas) which was their favorite and why.
Great Big Ideas meets in TD D23 on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m..