UPDATED: 6:17 p.m. Yalies, start blue-booking because courses for fall 2011 and spring 2011 are available on Yale Online Course Information (OCI).
They have been up since Thursday afternoon. This academic year’s OCI release happened more than a week earlier than last year.
A change to this year’s website is that key word searches yield not only course descriptions but also the prerequisite field, interim FAS registrar Eileen Quinn said in an e-mail. For instance, when you do a key word search for MATH 115, courses that require MATH 115 as a prerequisite, such as “Discrete Mathematics,” “Introduction to Electronics,” and “Introduction to Biomechanics,” will also pop up.
A big change to this year’s OCI is listing for classes in the new Global Affairs major, which include “Gateway to Global Affairs,” “Violence and Civil Strife,” and “Water, Disease & Global Health.”
Don’t worry, most of the legendary Yale courses have not gone away. Harold Bloom is still teaching Shakespeare and poetry. Marvin Chun will still be the professor for “Introduction to Psychology.” And John Gaddis will lead a lecture on the Cold War.
The fall semester’s residential college seminars span a wide range of disciplines. One is Yale Divinity professor Danielle Tumminio’s “Christian Theology & Harry Potter.” Good luck getting in.
Correction: July 8, 2011
Gaddis’ “Cold War” class will be a lecture, not a seminar.