Updated: 1:46 p.m. Gabriel Olszewski, currently university registrar at the University of Chicago, will become University registrar at Yale July 18, Yale College Dean Mary Miller told the News Monday morning.
The appointment is the result of a semester-long search following the retirement of Jill Carlton, who had led the Registrar’s Office since 2003. Ernst Huff, associate vice president for student financial and administrative services, said Olszewski’s record at other universities and his genial nature earned him the job.
“We were impressed with his experience in a registrar’s office, 20 years all together… coupled with meeting him in person,” Huff said. “He was very professional and articulate, and very personable as well.”
Before Olszewski joined the University of Chicago — where he is also the acting co-director of technology planning for campus and student life and associate dean of the College for Institutional Research — he was university registrar at the University of California, San Diego from 2005 to 2008, and he occupied several administrative positions at Stanford University’s Registrar’s Office between 1997 and 2005.
During his three-year tenure in Chicago, Huff said, Olszewski expanded the electronic distribution of transcripts, digitized professors’ grade submissions and responded to the economic recession by reorganizing his staff.
Yale’s Registrar’s Office is currently in the midst of its own reorganization, which Ernst said was modeled after Olszewski’s work at the University of Chicago. Ernst said that Carlton, who led Yale’s reorganization until her retirement in January, adopted Olszewski’s idea to separate staff into groups supporting either faculty or students — according to “customers’ perspective.”
“The expectation is that [Olszewski] will bring his own mark to that in bringing [the reorganization] to its conclusion,” Huff said.
Huff said Olszewski will continue the development of systems that organize how faculty members submit course information and how teaching fellows are managed. But Olszewski will also lead new projects, Huff said, such as the creation of an electronic system that would track students’ progress toward earning their degrees and majors. With this system, students and department administrators would have online access to information about which academic requirements students have fulfilled and which they have not, Huff said, adding that the idea is still in its early stages.
Eileen Quinn, senior deputy registrar, served as interim University registrar for the spring semester after Carlton retired.