Tony Blair isn’t leaving Yale for good just yet.
Though last fall’s “Faith and Globalization” lecture marked the end of a three-year contract between Yale and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that brought Blair to campus starting in 2008, it will be taught again next fall with the Foundation remaining “closely connected,” according to an e-mail sent to Silliman College students Thursday.
There will be no application, though enrollment is limited to 75 and the “course teaching team will make enrollment decisions” if the number of students trying to take the course this fall exceeds the cap.
Blair “will likely limit his participation to teaching one session.” According to the e-mail, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry ’66 is tentatively scheduled to teach one session as well. Divinity School Professor Miroslav Volf, who co-taught the course with Blair the past three years, will serve as the professor and the course will involve guest lectures each week.
In 2008 and 2009, Blair attended roughly every third meeting of the 25-person seminar. The 14-session course was expanded to a lecture in 2010 because it marked the last year Blair would be co-teaching the course.