If you missed Master’s Teas during Spring Break, don’t fret — they are back.
What better way to kick-start the final weeks of the semester than with a Master’s Tea with Dr. Ruth? Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a legendary psychologist and sex therapist, will be discussing her research on cultural communities in Israel, including the Bedouin, Arab and Jewish communities. The tea is on Monday at 4:30 p.m. at Calhoun College and will be followed by a RSVP-only dinner at the Slifka Center.
If you further want to delve into cultural studies, check out the Rabbi’s Tea at the Slifka Center on Monday at 4 p.m. where Jon Caramanica and Sara Marcus will speak about cultural criticism. Caramanica is a rock music and men’s shopping critic for The New York Times. If you have been reading The New York Times for updates on American Idol, you are reading posts by Caramanica. Marcus is a rock journalist and author of “Girls to the Front: A True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution.”