As a freshman, Peter Jasinski ’12 played nine intramural sports. The next year, he played only eight — but added the title of head IM secretary.
This spring, Jasinski will wrap up his two-year term as head IM secretary, a tenure during which he has spearheaded a number of changes — everything from redesigning the website to adding dodgeball and track to the list of IM sports.
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As head IM secretary, Jasinski is also the statistician and webmaster. Jasinski designed and recreated the current site from scratch, making it more dynamic and easier to update and change content.
“The website is as good as ever and functions seamlessly,” Saybrook IM Secretary John Ettinger ’12 said. “It even appears to have mobile capabilities now.”
On a daily basis, Jasinski heads to the Payne Whitney, where he enters game score sheets into a database, calculates stats and updates the website.
Jasinski said he responsibilities to attend to every day, although the workload varies.
Next year, he plans to serve as a resource to help train his currently undetermined successor, much like his predecessor, Dan Geoffrion ’10 helped him.
“I chose Peter to succeed me because I wanted someone passionate about IMs and knew the conditions on the ground, as well as someone young who could provide stability to the program,” Geoffrion said. “[Peter] was extremely involved as a player and had ideas to make the program run better.”
Yet the website redesign is only small part of Jasinski’s contributions to IMs. During his tenure, Jasinski has presided over a fair number of additions of sports. Dodgeball was added last year and track and field will begin this spring. He has also hired photographers to capture moments in IM history. The photographers take pictures of IM games and send them to Jasinski, who puts up the photos on a picture slideshow on the website.
“The photography aspect is a very fun add-on,” Timothy Dwight IM Secretary Kaylee Weil ’12 said.
Other changes include alterations in the overall IM rules such as tie-breaking and eligibility, which Jasinski said were changed after secretaries felt the rules were inadequate to cover all situations. Some of these rule changes include adding the number of forfeits to the tie-breaking rules, as well as defining a club sport as one that receives money from the club sports office.
“One of the main things I’ve been working on this year is strengthening the rules so they cover any situation that comes up,” Jasinski said. “One of the things hardest to do is when there are no rules.”
Jasinski said that a lot of people enjoy playing IMs and that he enjoys being part of working to improve that for future years.
“Peter’s ideas have bolstered the program,” Geoffrion said. “He is constantly seeking to get people more involved.”
Tom Migdalski, the director of club sports, praised Jasinski’s work ethic.
“He is diligent, prompt, organized and always available to those needing assistance with the IM program. He will be difficult to replace,” Migdalski said.
With 31 sports, Yale has one of the largest intramural programs in the nation.