To ban, or not to ban? Weeks after a proposed campus-wide smoking ban ignited fierce debate among Yalies, the student newspaper at the University of Virginia weighed in.
According to the managing board of the Cavalier Daily, UVA’s own recent smoking ban, instituted in 2009, has not been a success.
“Many students and staff still smoke near on-Grounds buildings, signaling that the enforcement of anti-smoking policies is spotty at best,” the editors wrote. “Particularly notable is the ‘smoker’s alley’ that has sprung up along Hospital Drive in front of the University Health System’s West Complex.”
The Cavalier cautioned Yale against declaring a ban that could prove problematic to enforce. (It is still unclear how the ban would affect New Haven.) Instead, Yale should make “incessant and positive attempts” to encourage students, faculty and staff to break the habit, such as providing cheap tobacco cessation programs.
Thanks for the advice, we guess.
The article was tweeted by SIGAR, a college cigar-smoking group founded at Yale.