As early action decisions looms closer, the News received an urgent cry for help from someone who identified as “A Parent”:
Could you please use some of your “power” to tell Yale Admission office to release their EA results earlier as most other colleges have done already? Even though, Yale is probably the only few who hasn’t experienced any increase in the EA application pool and their workloads can’t be that higher relative to those of their counterparts.
Please show some compassion as MOST of the applicants will end up in the Reject and Deferral list anyways. Let all (especially those poor souls) know the results sooner so they can start focusing on working for RD in the next two weeks that’s left.
We don’t see WHY Yale must stick to the Dec. 15 deadline if you have known the results by now and IF all the competitors are releasing data earlier.
A Parent
Stanford, Dartmouth, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania are among Yale’s peer institutions that released their decisions over the past few days.
Yale Admissions will release its early action decisions this afternoon.