Roughly 30 to 40 Yale students stormed through Bass Library completely naked at around 11:40 p.m. last night. The students gave out candies to the spectators who gathered in the library.
The security guards, who didn’t seem to mind that well over a hundred students were gathered in the library’s first level, urged students to “keep their tushes” off the furniture.
The “naked run” is a finals tradition. Here’s an email sent to various members of the Yale community from “Seth Nutdip:”
‘Twas the night before finals when all throughout Bass
Not a student was stirring from studying for class
Their laptops were opened on desks with great care
In hope that an essay soon would appear
When out in the Pit their arose such a clatter
I sprang from the desk to see what was the matter
Away to the window I flew like a flash
And opened my cubby to see what just had passed
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a mob of naked Yalies exposing their rears!
More rapid than eagles those coursers they came
And they whistled, and shouted, and called out some names
“You’re Dashing! I’m Dancing! No, Prancing, a Vixen!
Use Commas! You’re Stupid! Look, Dandruff, Wolf Blitzer!
To the top of the steps! to the bottom of Bass!
Now dance away! Dance away! Dance with that ass!”
And they passed out individually wrapped candies with care
As the onlookers paused with slack jaws and did stare
How was this possible, I asked one naked lad
He told me that it was because of a plan
They all met at the top floor of the SML stacks
At 11:15 with a bag or backpack
Where they took off their clothes and chanted a bit
And ran with abandon to this leathery pit
And with that, after cheers and good wishes and whistle
Away they all flew like the down of a thistle
But I heard him exclaim, as he dashed far from me,
“Happy Finals to All, T.B.I.Y.T.B.“
SUNDAY (tonight), 11:15 at the top floor of SML stacks (7M)
Bring individually wrapped, non-chocolate candies
Bring a backpack for your clothes
“Yale clearly needs more nudity,” said Angela Ning ’14 of the large crowd gathered in Bass.