Last month, while the Delta Kappa Epsilon national organization lifted a ban on the Yale DKE fraternity, it imposed a provisional suspension on its University of Alberta chapter, located in Edmonton, Canada, according to a statement released Friday by the DKE Board of Directors.
In October, student newspaper The Gateway reported on hazing episodes caught on tape this past January— locking pledges in wooden boxes, depriving them of sleep and making them eat their own vomit — that took place at the Alberta fraternity. A committee of four DKE alumni, including National Executive Director Douglas Lanpher, visited the chapter Nov. 19. After two days of meetings with brothers and university officials, it recommended a 3-year provisional suspension of the chapter effective immediately.
During this period, a local Alumni Council will be assembled to independently monitor, advice and guide all facets of the chapter’s operations, in cooperation with the University of Alberta. Council members will regularly attend chapter meetings and DKE headquarters representatives will visit the university at least once per semester,
“The Fraternity is confident that this Action Plan will ensure that the dignity, health, and safety of the Brothers of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Alberta are respected and preserved in all Chapter activities,” the statement said.
Next spring, the chapter will be allowed to induct new pledges. If the Alberta chapter does not comply with the terms of their probation, the statement said, they will be liable to sanctions from the DKE board, including disbandment and “prompt revocation” of their charter.
School officials suspended the chapter as a student group Oct. 28, and their investigation is still underway, the Gateway reported. According to the DKE International Risk Management Policy, hazing by any chapter, student, or alumnus is prohibited.
Meanwhile, the Yale DKE chapter had its pledge activities banned by the national organization in October due to an inflammatory pledge ritual that same month. The ban was lifted less than a month after, said Yale DKE President Jordan Forney ’11, despite Yale College Dean Mary Miller’s request for the unregistered student organization’s indefinite probation.