The ban on DKE’s pledge activities was lifted in early November, less than one month after it was imposed by the Delta Kappa Epsilon national organization.
DKE’s national organization had directed the Yale chapter to stop all pledge activities — including the initiation of new members — beginning Oct. 17. A week later, National Executive Director Douglas Lanpher met with Miller on campus. In a letter to the Yale community Oct. 24 about the meeting, Miller said she had asked Lanpher to make the fraternity’s probation indefinite — but this Tuesday, Yale DKE president Jordan Forney ’11 said the ban was removed early last month.
Forney said the Yale chapter and the DKE headquarters have been communicating since the chapter’s Oct. 13 ritual sparked campus outcry. Both parties came to an agreement, Forney said, and the chapter’s new pledge class will be formally inducted next semester.
Miller said Tuesday night that she could not comment on the ban’s removal, since she has not received direct word from Lanpher or other representatives from DKE’s national organization regarding the Yale chapter.
DKE National Executive Director Doug Lanpher did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
The fraternity’s reinstatement of pledge activities comes after significant backlash from students and administrators against DKE’s chants on Old Campus. Blindfolded pledges shouted phrases such as, “No means yes, yes means anal” and “My name is Jack, I’m a necrophiliac, I f— dead women.”
DKE apologized for its actions amid criticism from the Women’s Center and other campus fraternities. A series of panels discussing sexual climate ensued — some organized before or after the Oct. 13 episode — and students analyzed the DKE incident within the context of Yale’s overall sexual culture. The panels ranged from academic reflections on the controversy to a dialogue on unwanted consensual sex.
In an interview with the News Oct. 26, Miller said that examining undergraduate groups’ initiation practices was “high on [her] agenda” since DKE’s actions had raised a slew of questions about such traditions elsewhere at Yale. Miller announced the creation of a committee to explore hazing and initiation practices in her Oct. 24 letter.
Dean of Student Affairs Marichal Gentry has also requested that the Executive Committee investigate the full course of events surrounding the DKE incident.