Put on your yarmulkes! Students were greeted in their dining halls Tuesday night by free boxes of Hanukkah menorahs.
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The menorahs, which traditionally commemorate the start of the Jewish Festival of Lights, were given out by Chabad at Yale, the local branch of a Hasidic orthodox Jewish movement that hosts well-attended Friday night dinners and services. For those unfamiliar with Hanukkah, the bottom of the box lists instructions for placing and lighting candles on the menorah, and explains the symbolism behind the tradition and blessings. The package includes a metal stand, 44 “extra long candles for Shabbat” and a complimentary blue dreidel.
This year, Hanukkah begins tomorrow and ends next Thursday.
Correction: December 1, 2010
An earlier version of this article misstated what the packages including the free menorah’s held. The menorah package actually includes a metal — not plastic — stand and comes with 44 candles, enough for all of Hanukkah.