Your plane ticket’s gone missing. Your sister got a new cat while you were away, and you’re deathly allergic. Your parents don’t love you anymore. Whatever the reason, many of us aren’t able to go home for Thanksgiving. And that means sharing Thursday dinner with a random relative, a family friend or a friend’s family.
Regardless of the circumstances, the best way to exhibit your classiness (and get invited back next year) is to contribute a dish to the meal. But for college students, cooking can be a challenge, especially with the restrictions imposed by a dorm room.
Fear not! WEEKEND presents a guide to making your very own easy, dorm-room safe Thanksgiving dinner contribution:
Green Beans – Boil ‘em.
Seasoned Rice – Toss wild rice (it gives off more of an autumn vibe) into the rice cooker, then season it with salt, pepper, thyme and other spices to taste.
Cheese & Crackers – Gather two or three cheeses, a pack of Water Crackers and a plate (dining hall china, anyone?). Done!
Veggies & Dip – It’s the same basic idea as the cheese except with celery, cherry tomatoes, carrots and a dab of ranch dressing.
Sweet Potatoes with Apples and Cranberries – Our friends at Ziploc have one of the best dorm room-ready recipe of all time.
Dessert – Another plate of sweets will always be welcome. Pre-order one from a bakery and pick it up on your way to dinner.