Even though Connecticut’s schools scored above the national average in a recent math and reading test, the results revealed the lingering presence of a racial and ethnic achievement gap in Connecticut schools, the New Haven Register reported Wednesday.
Recent reports, filed by Connecticut Coalition for Achievement Now (ConnCAN) assigned grades to the schools, based on the test called National Assessment of Education Progress.
The New Haven school district posted an overall poor performance, but a handful of schools in the Elm City were among Connecticut’s top schools.
Based on the data, ConnCAN director Alex Johnston (and New Haven Board of Education member) told the New Haven Register, the state can focus on “improving student outcomes across the board,” by having “an honest conversation about the performance of our public schools.”
According to the Register, ConnCAN graded over 1,000 schools in 160 districts along five categories: academic performance for low income, black, Hispanic students, overall performance gains, and improvement. Performance gains refer to the score difference of one group of students over the course of a year. Improvement refers to the score difference of a fixed age group one year to the next, for instance freshmen last year compared to freshman this year.