University President Richard Levin ranked 12th on the list of private-college presidents paid over $1 million in 2008, according to a report by the Chronicle of Higher Education Sunday. Levin’s total compensation for the year was $1,350,008. Lee Bollinger of Columbia was the highest-earning Ivy League president, earning $1,753,984.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 ranked 20th in the Forbes Magazine list of the “World’s Most Powerful People.” Hu Jintao, president of the People’s Republic of China, was ranked first and President Barack Obama second.
Applications for the competitive seminar “Studies in Grand Strategy” were due 5 p.m. Monday. As of 3:20 p.m., more than 100 applications were collected in the International Security Studies department’s office on Hillhouse Avenue. Enrollment in the course is limited to 20 students.
Be careful in Cambridge. The Harvard Crimson reported Sunday that a Cambridge man shot at a police officer and attempted to rob three freshmen, in what was the sixth armed robbery in two weeks committed on or near Harvard’s campus.
Here comes the choo-choo. Governor M. Jodi Rell visited New Haven’s Union Station Monday for a test run of new Metro North cars slated to hit the tracks in December, the New Haven Register reported.
Loko to be no more in Connecticut. Liquor wholesalers have voluntarily decided to stop shipping Four Loko along with two other alcoholic energy drinks starting Dec. 10, according to the Register.
Meanwhile Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73, senator-elect and Connecticut’s attorney general, told the New York Times that “to be very blunt, there’s just no excuse for the delay in applying standards that clearly should bar this kind of witch’s brew.” The Times reported that the Food and Drug Administration might act on alcoholic energy drinks as soon as Wednesday.
Men’s hockey fell in the hockey standings after a high No. 3 ranking. The team is now in fifth place. Minnesota-Duluth is still leading the pack in first place.
General Stanley McChrystal gave an off-the-record lecture at the Whitney Humanities Center Monday titled “Plywood Leadership.”
1999 The history department holds a forum in the Hall of Graduate Studies to discuss the lack of teaching assistants.