Professor Thomas Duffy’s wacky orchestral outfits aren’t the only thing that leaves his hair standing on end—lightning also does the trick.
A lightning bolt went through Duffy’s office today at around 2 p.m. followed by an instant clap of thunder heard throughout campus. Duffy said the light was so bright that it seemed something had travelled through his office window and out another window. Julia Rogers ’11, a member of the Yale Concert Band who was with Duffy in his office at the time of the lightning strike, said the lightning did no damage to Hendrie Hall, and nobody was hurt.
“My hair went straight up in the air,” Duffy said. “Since I was there after it happened, it was interesting. I didn’t really realize what had happened; it was like someone flashed a camera.”
Both Rogers and Duffy said they had never been that close to lightning before.