Tony Blair, former British prime minister and “Faith and Globalization” prof., finally has something worthwhile to add to his resume.
Since 1993, the Literary Review has presented the Bad Sex in Fiction Award – an award dedicated entirely to the glorification of horrible sex scenes. This year, an excerpt from Tony Blair’s memoir “A Journey: My Political Life,” is in the running for the award, according to A sampling:
“On that night of 12 May 1994, I needed that love Cherie gave me, selfishly. I devoured it to give me strength. I was an animal following my instinct…”
But that’s not the only notable passage of Blair’s book. He quotes Queen Elizabeth II in the bookas having said “You are my 10th prime minister, Mr. Blair. My first was Winston Churchill.” Turns out the director of “The Queen” says he invented that quote for the movie.
[via @bookbench]