Former White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove visited the Yale Political Union on Tuesday night, and his speech on repealing Obamacare drew a crowd that filled the Law School Auditorium.
But before Rove tore into the country’s current healthcare system, he planted a smooch on the forehead of Progressive Party chairman Jordon Walker ’13.
During introductions, Walker said that Rove was similar to Progressive Party members in that “Mr. Rove has beauty.” Rove stood up, took a small bow, and then walked over and placed a large kiss on Walker’s forehead.
Later, Rove directed a comment to Walker: “If you were only 20 years older and an attractive woman.”
Aside from budding bro-mances, Rove used his speech to explain several other revelations he had about Yalies.
“I have never before been in a group that was so obviously and clearly pretentious,” he said at the start of his speech.
“Do you know how I knew it was pretentious? Moleskines!” he said, leaning over to the table in front of the YPU president Conor Crawford ‘12 and picking up two notebooks.
“The president of the Yale Political Union has two black moleskines! Oh, I’m sorry, a red one! How appropriate is that?”
The audience erupted into laughter and applause.