(Hopefully you already knew) classes meet today, despite the holiday. Harvard and Princeton are off, but Yale College has, for many years, held classes on Labor Day when it falls on Sept. 5, 6 or 7 in order to avoid disruptions to the fall academic calendar.
You call this a hurricane? Despite weather warnings from Masters’ Offices last week, only one or two short spells of drizzle dampened the end of the first week of shopping period on Friday.
An undergraduate was robbed Sunday afternoon while riding a bike near Elm and Dwight streets. His bicycle, book bag, wallet and cell phone were stolen.
A Yale employee also suffered an attempted robbery on Friday in the Howe Street parking garage.
Lost your keys and your Tamagotchi? If so, it is in the safe hands of Calhoun College Master Jonathan Holloway. Be prepared to prove your ownership though — “It’s not like I’m going to simply GIVE a tamagotchi away to just anyone,” Holloway wrote to the college Sunday. “But, please, for the love of the digital creature within, hurry up!”
Among the many aspiring crooners auditioning for a cappella groups this weekend was a Saybrook dining hall worker, who sang “Killing Me Softly” for Mixed Company. “She surprised us all with a soulful sound,” musical director Esther Hyun ’12 said.
Come for the fire, stay for the food. The fire department paid a visit to the Slifka Center this weekend for barbecue night after the department received a phone call from a concerned resident reporting the smell of smoke.
Rushes for the Yale Society for the Exploration of Campus Secrets on Sunday were led from Old Campus to an undisclosed location where, after 10 silent minutes, they were instructed to find Geronimo’s skull. The identity of the pranksters? A secret.
Marching band rocks out. Sixteen members of the Yale Precision Marching Band took part in the surprise finale of The Subscribers rock concert in Fairfield on Saturday. Hidden in the 225 person-strong crowd for the duration of the show, the marching band stormed the stage to play the final set, which included songs by Fleetwood Mac and Sawyer Brown.
1978 Pierson senior Kathren Mattison files a $10,000 law suit against Yale, claiming that an absence of standard security measures led to her rape by a New Haven man during the summer of 1977.
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