Lauren Koster ’12 said she is running for Yale College Council secretary so that, while she is taking notes and sending out e-mails, you can be out having fun.
As secretary, Koster said she would want to make sure students can “take a break and appreciate that [they] have four precious years here.”
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The sociable Koster, who is a YCC representative for Timothy Dwight College, emphasized that keeping a balance between serious work and personal wellness is important for all students.
Some of her ideas include improving transit through a late-night shuttle between libraries and dorms, and creating a communications committee for the YCC.
Koster is no stranger to student government, having served on school student councils since seventh grade, including as president of her high school. Though Koster decided not to run for Freshman Class Council last year because she said she wanted to re-evaluate her commitments, she said she felt a “magnetic pull” that compelled her to become involved with student government once again this year.
She is now a member of the Timothy Dwight Student Activities Committee, the recruitment chair for the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta and a writer for the undergraduate magazine “Light and Truth.”
YCC Vice-President Abigail Cheung ’11, who has worked with Koster through both YCC and Timothy Dwight, said Koster has taken on many initiatives both within the college and on the YCC, adding that Koster already takes diligent notes at all YCC meetings, which Cheung called an important habit for a secretary.
According to current YCC Secretary Mike Bronfin ’11, an ideal secretary candidate would have good writing, management and interpersonal skills and be able to come up with creative ways to reach the student body.
“Lauren Koster is a delightful person, fully engaged in the life and times of Yale,” said Timothy Dwight Master Robert Thompson.