Photo: Yale University
She just can’t get enough of Silliman: In an e-mail this afternoon to the Silliman community, University President Richard Levin announced that, after “faculty, staff and students alike expressed enthusiastic support,” Master Judith Krauss had been appointed to another five-year term.
From Levin’s e-mail:
By all accounts, Master Krauss has done a superb job of leading Silliman College for the past decade, and the Silliman College community is overwhelmingly appreciative of her role and that of Associate Master Ronald Krauss. Both Master K. and Mr. K. provide a great sense of community for Silliman and give their “all” for the students.
One commentator defined Judy as “the gold standard for Masters.” She spends many hours working with students: “She seems to … embody all of the characteristics you would want in a Master. She gives and gives of herself to the students at Yale who need her. …She invests in her students and services them with love and wisdom.” Another stated, “Master Krauss is impressive both as a Yale College Master and [as an] individual. She is organized, articulate, direct, flexible and compassionate.” Another commentator said, “She so impressed me with her no-nonsense and yet good-humored approach to discipline…that I immediately became her fan.”
Krauss began her tenure as master of Silliman in 2000.