With the Shaw’s supermarket on Whalley Avenue set to close at the end of the month, a survey is circulating in the city with the goal of collecting information about how residents used Shaw’s and what they want out of a replacement.
The survey, the results of which will go to the Dwight Supermarket Concerned Citizens Committee, asks questions such as “How often did you shop at Shaw’s?” and “Where will you do the shopping that you had done at Shaw’s, assuming there is at least a limited time period where a supermarket will not be in the Dwight Plaza space?”
Linda Townsend-Maier, executive director of the Greater Dwight Development Corporation, said the citizens committee wants to use the results to show that “there is a market in New Haven to more than support a store.”
The deadline for the online survey is March 19.
“I just wanted to quickly pass along this survey about Shaw’s,” Ward 1 alderman Mike Jones ’11 wrote in an e-mail to some of his constituents. “Completing it may very well prove helpful in recruiting a replacement.”