I read with interest the News’ five-part series about Sex at Yale published during Sex Week, and I would like to clarify a remark that was attributed to me in the first installment, “Yalies, under the covers,” (Feb. 8). I feel that I was misquoted; the statement was taken out of context and not used completely, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it. I hope that those who know me recognize that I am not the chauvinist I appeared to be, and that those who don’t know me give me the gift of not judging me off of a momentary lapse of judgment. My comment does not express a personal opinion or my own views toward women, even though it may appear that way. Instead, it was said as part of a commentary on the sexual culture here at Yale in response to the News’ survey results.
I feel that the intimate interactions between young adults has become increasing physical and that in many cases the romantic dating of our parents’ generation has taken a back seat. I’m not saying that it has been lost altogether, but that the mentality of a lot of modern-day teens as they are coming into their sexual prime has become such that random hook-ups and casual sex are the norm. Sex Week itself may be furthering this mindset with its how-to lectures on oral sex and speeches by porn stars. For better or for worse the sexual culture that surrounds our everyday lives is becoming more centered upon such informal relations, and I think it is important that we acknowledge these changes, while not necessarily condoning them.
Robby Wyper
Feb. 14
The writer is a freshman in Silliman College.