Alderman charged with trespassing

Ward 30 Alderman Darnell Goldson was charged last Thursday for allegedly trespassing on private property, the New Haven Independent reported. Goldson denied allegations in an interview with the Independent; he said he was taking pictures of the property because neighbors had been complaining about a house in the property that seemed vacant. Goldson is due to appear in court on Feb. 18. —Esther Zuckerman

Board of Education approves new budget

The New Haven Board of Education asked Monday for a $3 million increase for next fiscal year’s school budget, the New Haven Register reported. The board approved the $323 million school budget for fiscal year 2010-’11 at its Monday meeting. The city has embarked on a widespread public school reform initiative, but the Register reported that Will Clark, the chief operating officer for the district, said that other than providing for teacher raises, the district has not budgeted more funds for school reform. —Esther Zuckerman

Top city officials receive feedback from mayor

Top city officials have been receiving evaluations from Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and the mayor’s Chief of Staff Sean Matteson since January, the New Haven Independent reported. Top coordinators, who were reviewed by DeStefano, also reviewed the city’s department heads. Some of the feedback was straightforward: DeStefano told City Hall spokeswoman Jessica Mayorga to “have fun with the job,” the Independent reported. —Esther Zuckerman

DeStefano tries to divvy up federal funding

Mayor John DeStefano Jr. hopes to give $40,000 in federal funding to the city’s safe streets initiative. These requests and more are included in DeStefano’s proposal to allocate the $4.6 million of the federal Community Development Block grant money he received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the Board of Aldermen approves the proposal, the $40,000 will go to the Complete Streets Program for creating more than six miles in bike lines. According to City Hall documents, the funds are also given to many city non-profits to fund their own projects. —Yale Daily News

Cars stolen at local pharmacy

Two cars were stolen from the parking lot at Walgreens on York Street early Wednesday morning within hours of each other, New Haven Police Department spokesman Joseph Avery said in an e-mail Thursday. Police have not determined whether the same culprits were behind both crimes. Wednesday was bad day in general for cars: Two more were stolen in different areas of the city during the day, Avery wrote. —Colin Ross

Hamden man killed in possible gang shooting

Hamden tattoo parlor owner Joseph Ferraiolo was ambushed near his business, A Touch of Color, and shot to death Tuesday night, according to police. Police told the New Haven Register that Ferraiolo, 64, had a criminal record but had not been arrested since 1984. Police are investigating whether the homicide was related to a feud between motorcycle gangs, the Register reported. —Colin Ross

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