Andre Leon Talley, my idol and the also the most fabulous black dude in America will finally be a guest judge on the two millionth season of American’s Next Top Idol. I have been waiting like totally forever for this moment! ALT will replace Miss J., who is leaving ANTM to do charity work for models, devoting his time and energies to helping them fix their busted walks. Now that’s a charity I support.
Of course, Miss J. brought a sass and over-the-topness that ANTM couldn’t afford to lose. Glamour sells, and the addition of ALT to ANTM should be a major ratings boost. Plus, I’m dying to see what fabulous contraptions ALT will be wearing on each episode. Apparently, Chado Ralph Rucci – The Only American Couturier – has designed custom cloaks for ALT to wear on each episode. Worrrrrkkk!
I can’t wait till I’m so fabulous that designers are making cloaks for me. Isn’t that what every Yale Ph.D. dreams of?