It’s complicated with: “It’s Complicated.” But only because they had to put Alec Baldwin in the film.
If you can get past looking at Alec Baldwin’s face for an hour and fifty-eight minutes, “It’s Complicated” is actually delightful. Directed by chick-flick queen Nancy Meyers (best known for “What Women Want,” “Something’s Gotta Give” and my personal favorite, “The Parent Trap”), “It’s Complicated” effectively takes what might otherwise be a film geared solely towards women divorcees aged 50 to 60 — this according to my mom — and makes it enjoyable for women of all ages. And while she’s no Nicholas Sparks when it comes to appealing to men, it’s definitely not as bad as some of the other crap your girlfriend makes you watch.
Meryl Streep stars as Jane Adler, a divorcee with three grown children who owns a thriving bakery in Santa Barbara, Calif. Former husband Jake (Alec Baldwin) is a hot-shot attorney married to Agness (Lake Bell), a much younger woman whose name doesn’t match her looks. Jane and Jake are brought together for their son Luke’s graduation in the Big Apple. After the rest of the family leaves them to go to a party, the two go to dinner, have a lot of drinks, dance and wake up in bed together the next morning. Sound familiar?
This little affair continues when the pair returns to California, though unbeknownst to their children. And then Steve Martin steps in playing the role of Adam, a SERIOUS (unbelievable, I know), sensitive architect, who is contracted to work on Jane’s house, but also thinks she’s a total babe.
The absolute best part of the movie arrives after Jane and Adam share a joint and show up high to her son’s graduation party: Steve Martin is funny again, Meryl Streep loosens up and all is as it should be.
Unfortunately, Alec Baldwin made it impossible for me to fully enjoy this film. He seems unable to play any role but that of the high-powered businessman with no heart and poor morals. He was funny in this movie, but in a gross, extremely repulsive way. His habitual adultery, domineering personality and sleazy demeanor made it difficult for me to believe that a woman like Jane would even consider getting with someone as disgusting as him. But I guess in a way it made sense. We all make mistakes. Even Meryl Streep.