As final exams waear on, scenesters submit favorite quotes from their current studying endeavors.
“…La pesadilla me decía: crecerás.
Dejarás atrás las imágenes del dolor y del laberinto
y olvidarás.
Pero en aquel tiempo crecer hubiera sido un crimen
Estoy aquí, dije, con los perros románticos
y aquí me voy a quedar.”
“…the nightmare telling me: you will grow up.
You’ll leave behind the images of pain and of the labyrinth
and you’ll forget.
But back then, growing up would have been a crime.
I’m here, I said, with the romantic dogs
and here I’m going to stay.”
—Roberto Bolaño, “The Romantic Dogs” or “Los Perros Románticos” from his volume “The Romantic Dogs”
(Submitted by Sanjena Sathian.)