Television cameras from ABC’s “Good Morning America” followed former British Prime Minister Tony Blair when he visited campus last Thursday, and this morning, a four-minute segment on Blair at Yale appeared on the show.
While much of the feature focuses on Blair’s decision to go to war in Iraq, there are also several scenes of him having a lunchtime chat in the Calhoun College dining hall, walking through Cross Campus and speaking to the students in his “Faith and Globalization” seminar after class.
At the end of the segment, GMA Weekend anchor Kate Snow asks Ron Claiborne, Blair’s interviewer, how students at Yale were reacting to having a world leader in their midst.
“So he’s strolling around campus?” Snow asked. “Are people… do they flock him?”
“Those who recognize him flock him,” Claiborne answered. “But a lot of students turned quizzically and said, ‘Who is that?'”