On Sunday thousands of student flooded Old Campus to hear live music performed by fellow Yalies and to eat food from a diverse selection of national and regional cuisines. The day was beautiful; the music was exciting and fun; the food — until it ran out — was tasty.
The event was a great way to spend a fall afternoon, and all involved in its planning and execution deserve credit and our thanks: Yale Dining employees for preparing new and delicious dishes, WYBC and the student musicians among us for the music, and the Yale College Council for pulling off the whole event.
When in the spring students ran for positions on the YCC’s 2009-’10 executive board, the News published strong criticisms of many of the candidates. At the time, we found it hard to imagine those candidates accomplishing as much as the 2008-’09 board had.
This year’s board has started off with a great first act, and we look forward to more successes through the year.