
Of all the missteps we have seen in aldermanic campaigns in recent years, this is a new one: Getting your wife’s name wrong when declaring your candidacy.

That’s what happened to a longtime West Rock resident, Carlton Staggers, when he announced Thursday that he would seek the Democratic nomination to succeed Ward 30 Alderwoman Michelle Edmonds-Sepulveda, who is not running for re-election. As is typical when local politicians declare their candidacies, Staggers’ campaign sent us a press release on Thursday evening explaining his decision to run. (You can read more about Staggers’ candidacy from the New Haven Independent here.)

The release — which noted that Staggers has lived in Ward 30 for more than three decades and raised five children there with his wife of 17 years, Marion — did not seem unusual at first.

Two hours and 15 minutes later, we got another e-mail:

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Carlton Staggers

Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 7:36 PM


To: Carlton Staggers for Ward 30 Alderman


The press release names Carlton Staggers’s wife as “Marion Staggers.”  Her name is Monique Staggers.
